Transparent Broadcast Build Status

One of the simplest broadcasting plugin


Convar Description
sm_tb_interval TB Broadcasting Interval [Default: 30.0] (Min: 1.0)
sm_tb_cachelife TB Cache Lifespan [Default: 600.0] (Min: 60.0)
sm_tb_breed TB Global ID Identifier [Default: global]


Argument Description
{CountDown:TimeStampHere} Displays a countdown (days, hours, minutes and seconds) till the timestamp (Ex. 1651890499)
{AnyConvar} Displays any public convar value
{currentmap} Current map name
{timeleft} Amount of time remaining until next map
{Color} Text colors

Database Structure

Column Description
id Auto incremental ID (Filled in automatically)
message Message to display (Only chat type supports color argument)
type Message displaying method (chat, hint, center, and menu)
breed Only display the message to global or servers with the same breed convar
name Only display the message to all or servers with the same game type (tf, csgo, l4d2, etc) [Game Folder Name]
admin_only If only visible to admins (Generic “b” flag) [0/1]
enabled * If the message is enabled at all [0/1]



  1. Extract Transparent_Broadcast.smx to /addons/sourcemod/plugins
  2. Create transparent_broadcast entry in your databases.cfg

databases.cfg example

    "driver"			"mysql"
    "host"			"localhost"
    "port"			"3306"
    "database"			"transparent_broadcast"
    "user"			"user"
    "pass"			"password"



Download the latest version from the release page


GPL 3.0